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Empowering Inclusivity,
Ensuring Compliance

At Ad Astra, we understand the importance of accessible communication and adherence to regional language laws that are constantly being updated. Our specialized services are designed to stay current with the latest legal requirements, bridge language gaps, foster understanding, and ensure seamless operations in diverse markets, particularly for Limited English Proficiency communities and businesses operating in Quebec.

Overcoming Language Barriers: LEP Services

Ad Astra's Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Services provide vital interpretation and translation solutions, ensuring equitable access and understanding for LEP individuals in critical settings such as healthcare, legal proceedings, and educational environments. Our services empower effective communication, breaking down language barriers and promoting inclusivity.

Navigating Quebec's Language Landscape

Operating a business in Quebec requires a deep understanding of the province's unique language laws. Ad Astra's Francization Consulting Services are tailored to guide businesses through the intricacies of Quebec's language regulations, including Bill 101 and Bill 96. Our experts provide comprehensive guidance, ensuring compliance with certification requirements and facilitating successful market entry and operations within Quebec.

Expert Perspectives & Visionary Ideas

Gain insights from the leading voices in
language services and communication solutions.

e learning translation

Translating E-Learning Content for a Global Audience

Fady Tawfik
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trump executive order

The Executive Order Declaring English as the Official U.S. Language

Connected Conversations
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Translation Services

How to Choose the Best Translation Service for Your Business

Fady Tawfik
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